Monday, February 8, 2010

Photo a day: Week Five- countdown to Valentines Day!

It's not even noon yet 
and already today has been pretty perfect
*the sun is finally shining*
~and my big valentines surprise for the boyfriend is tonight~

Here is week five
of my New Years resolution
-to be a little more creative every day-

I love conversation hearts


Sarah Whitney said...

Ha! I ask for those chalky hearts every valentines day, love em!

Anonymous said...

you are getting quite talented! The photos are beautiful. Are they all yours?
PS I used to spend hours in elementary school deciding what conversation hearts go to friends and crushes. HOURS!!!! haha. I didn't want to give anyboy that I didn't like the wrong impression with a "kiss me" heart!

Anonymous said...

I knew you were in a photography class You photos have just improved so much I didn't recognize them! Great job!

Could I use a pic for my blog if I credit it? I will give you a heads up before I do. (Its ok if you say no. I am protective of my personal photos too.) :) Either way you are really developing an eye!