Monday, January 18, 2010


Woke up with the sniffles

I've got some jasmine green tea
and some hot & sour soup
so recovery is *hopefully*

Basil Birthday

*Charleston is known for food*
we have our own cuisine
but among all the lowcountry restaurants
there is a gem of a place
that is the favorite
of many locals
and the Boyfriend

So we hit up Basil 
~for his 28th~
and a little green curry
*Basil Duck*
and Thai Tea and Vodkas


Photo a day: Week Two

I'm sticking to my resolutions so far
~I even make the bed~
*It's been a busy week*
(successful surprise parties take work)
but the photo a day has been going strong
it only takes a second
and it ends up being a lot of fun