Monday, April 27, 2009

Recession Friendly Entertainment

We are looking to save money just like almost everyone else
(we have a big vacation coming up ) 
We need less expensive nights out
and more dates at home
Mario Cart for the Wii is our new favorite Couples activity
We race against each other after dinner 
~Finally proving that i might really be a terrible driver after all~

The Boyfriend and I are not Video Gamers 
But Mario Cart is serious fun
We Love our Wii
 (I wanted to do the Yoga so bad I searched for one for weeks)

I grew up on Nintendo
My Grandma and I would play Casino games on the mine all afternoon
Above is Libby "The Hottness" and I playing Wii Cheer
(check out Libby's Boyfriend in the background)
Matt is my Favorite part of that picture- he might be pointing and laughing
but it is alot harder than you might think 

Cheers to Pineapple Mimosas and Healthy Competition 
We always end up laughing all night
*I also might have road rage*